What visitors wrote in the guest book at MARMIN1991, where we presented the replica of the Tholos of Delphi and the Sphinx of Naxos

“If the work I see were to magically disappear from Delphi and in its place was placed the one made by Mr. FILAKTOS, not even the best archaeologist could tell the difference.”

Vasilis Rarrhs, 28/04/91

“…..FILAKTOS…”Guardian” of our cultural heritage”

Athanasios Angelopoulos, Professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

“Well done Vangelis, you always have an original idea to present. It is touching that you spare no effort or expense to build beautiful things without aiming for profit. I am glad to be your friend.”

Sotiris Papatheodorou, Architect

“Vangelis, they should take you to the Parthenon to take part in the restoration”

Sotiris Kouvelas, Minister of Interior 28/04/91

Note: This was achieved seven years later with the construction of nine vertebrae and seventeen years later with the creation of three triglyphs and two cornices for the restoration of the Parthenon.

“You are truly authentic. I feel like I am in the Delphi of ancient times.”

A German visitor to MARMIN

“The FILAKTOS stand is the most beautiful at the Exhibition with a very Greek style and presence.”

N. Sfondyllis, Decorator, 02/04/91

“Always admiring our friend FILAKTOS for his great work, we are amazed by his exhibits at each MARMIN and we can say that he will drive us crazy in the end.”

With appreciation George Sampson

“A commendable and successful effort and an admirable result. I believe that after the successful copy, the creative inspiration will come, for which our friend FILAKTOS has many examples to show. With the best wishes for a successful continuation of it.”

Sophokles Akritides, Civil Engineer

“An excellent presentation by a man who dedicated his life to the art of marble. Well done Mr. Evangelos FILAKTOS.”


“As soon as I saw it, I made a spontaneous movement of admiration. Nothing else can express the feeling of marble perfection.”

I. Trontzios, Architect

“What else will we see!”

M. Lazaridou, Architect

“A lover of ancient classical beauty, unique in his kind, “FILAKTOS”.”

Chrysostomos, merchant

“At this moment I am in Mr. FILAKTOS’ stand and I feel like I am in Ancient Greece. I was more impressed by the Sphinx than by Delphi.”

Eirini Moskofidou (10 years old)

“You stole the show. It is truly a masterpiece.”

Anonymous, 24/04/91

“Please give my congratulations to Mr. FILAKTOS. We only see this in the movies in America. It’s incredible, it’s ! ! ! ! ! . . . what can I say!”

Constantine Leontarakis

“Impressive presence. Imposing I would say.”


“Congratulations to Evangelos FILAKTOS, for his endless ideas, inspirations and applications in marble that he loved so much, he deserves a thousand thanks from the industry and especially I congratulate him and I wish him every happiness and progress.”

(former President of the “Praxiteles” association)

“I just want to tell you that your stand is very nice. It reminds me of simplicity, marble and Greece.”

Mrs. R. Galani Etkins Executive of the Bank of Macedonia Thrace

“Upgrade in Greek marble.”


“You are the king of marble! Beautiful – very beautiful. Very beautiful, something special.”

Charalambos Tasoulides

“FILAKTOS and all of Greece. He is the first and by far.”

Doumparetzis Stavros, 26/04/91

“Mom, Mom the Statue of Liberty.” “It’s not the Statue of Liberty, my child. It’s something Greek.”

Alexis (5 years old)

“I haven’t been to a museum in Greece yet, but just now I saw a museum inside MARMIN”

Italian visitor

“A moment to greet the master of marble. We are in the temple! We are ancient!”


“As always, it stands out”


**”It is a masterpiece, dazzling.